#Focus21 (Juicer)

[shopify product= http://missdiva1.myshopify.com/products/focus-21%5D

Are you ready to get focused? Need a reboot to get the second half of 2015 on the right path?

Each version of the plan includes:

21 Days of Recipes and Daily Guide

Weekly Shopping Lists

Daily Guide to all recipes and juices.

Each version has something different to offer based on your machine:

If you have a blender, (Nutribullet, Blendtec, Vitamix, Ninja, etc, choose the blender version)

For juicers there are two options, either 2 juices and a meal or all juices. Both versions of this plan will work best with a JUICER, so choose your plan correctly.

For Vegetarian/Vegan Clients- the all juice versions will work best, all meal plans include meat options for the dinner meal.

16 thoughts on “#Focus21 (Juicer)

  1. Kitty says:

    Hi, I’m interested in the 21 day plan. I have the nutribullet and the ninja kitchen. Will either of those work good with this plan or should I have a juicer?


  2. Alexia Ramirez says:

    Hello! I’m going back to school september 3rd and want to look good before thanksgiving for the family and myself. I recently gained 25 pounds and would like to lose between 20-30 pounds. I have a nutribullet, what do u recommend?


  3. Alexia Ramirez says:

    Good morning!!

    For the 21 day blender version, how much does it cost to buy the weekly grocery lists for the juices?

    And with the before and after results, do most of your customers exercise on top of juicing? I was in the best shape of my life last year and would like to get Back to it!!

    Would working out on top of the juicing make me eat to little hiring the day?



  4. Tracy Fairbairn says:

    How long do I wait for you to answer my comments? Desperate to start all I need you to do is send me another link to the email above.


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